MERLIN Case Studies - Fact Sheets

Download the MERLIN case study fact sheets as pdf.

01. Kvorning (Denmark)

02. Deba river restoration (Spain)

03. Beaver re-introduction (Sweden)

04. Room for the Rhine branches (The Netherlands)

05. Kampinos wetlands (Poland)

06. Peatlands of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

07a. Danube floodplain (Austria)

07b. Danube floodplain (Hungary)

08. Danube floodplain (Romania)

09. Tisza (Hungary)

10. Germany's Blue Belt (Germany)

11. Emscher catchment (Germany)

12. Lima catchment (Portugal)

13. Sorraia floodplain (Portugal)

14. Komppasuo peat extraction area (Finland)

15. Tzipori catchment (Israel)

16. Scheldt catchment (Belgium)

17. Forth catchment (Scotland, UK)

18. Ervidel floodplain (Portugal)