Deliverable D5.1
MERLIN dissemination and exploitation plan (02/2022)

Key messages:
- MERLIN has defined seven principles for making impact that build the framework for communication, dissemination and exploitation in the project.
- Along these principles, six relevant target groups are specified, for which different tools of communication and dissemination are determined.
- All activities are centred around the ‘MERLIN key outputs’, which are the 33 project deliverables with public dissemination level.
- These key outputs are grouped into clusters to streamline the communication and dissemination activities along six main thematic strands.
- Centrepiece of this dissemination and exploitation plan is the specification of all MERLIN key outputs and the envisaged dissemination and exploitation channels.
- Eleven key performance indicators and target values have been identified for the different communication and dissemination tools.