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MERLIN Newsletter Feb 2023

#01. MERLIN deliverable D1.2 (Monitoring framework)

The MERLIN Deliverable D1.2 “New framework for monitoring systemic impacts of freshwater and wetland restoration actions” was completed in September 2022. It provides clear guidance on how to monitor the impacts of nature-based restoration measures and describes a substantial set of impact indicators associated with 13 criteria of the European Green Deal.

For eight of these criteria, several indicators have been selected as being Essential Restoration Variables for monitoring the impact of nature-based solutions.

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#02. Case study portal

The MERLIN project has recently launched its online case study portal. The portal provides interactive access to the seventeen freshwater restoration sites supported by the project. These sites include small streams and basins, large transboundary rivers, and peatlands and wetlands. The portal offers in-depth information on each case study, including details of restoration activities and key stakeholders involved in their implementation. It outlines innovative approaches to restoration management, governance and financing across each case study.

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Open the case study portal


#03. Defining Optimisation Strategies for Freshwater Restoration

The MERLIN project works to improve freshwater restoration. Within MERLIN, 17 different study areas are used to identify context-specific and common aspects for optimising this restoration process. The study areas cover the range from peatlands and wetlands, small stream basins to the floodplains of large transboundary rivers.

For this purpose, each case study has developed an optimisation plan. The combined results of these individual cases showed that it is possible to achieve multiple goals, such as protecting nature, preventing floods and drought, and reducing pollution.

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Download and read Deliverable D2.1 "Case study optimisation strategies" (18mb)

#04. Mainstreaming aquatic restoration using Nature-based Solutions

The briefing introduces the MERLIN project, including a short analysis of the sectors, the environmental challenges and some potential cooperation of the sectors with other stakeholders, to mainstream Nature-based Solutions. It was developed by our MERLIN team, based on the findings from roundtables, questionnaires, interviews and literature reviews.

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Download and read Deliverable D4.1: "Mainstreaming aquatic restoration using Nature-based Solutions"

#05. MERLIN Innovation Awards (MIA)

MERLIN Innovation Awards (MIA) initiative was launched as part of the MERLIN project in October 2022. As Innovation is one of the pillars of the project, the MIA's objective is to recognize new, widely applicable solutions for restoring the functions of freshwater ecosystems or to enable the financial benefit of said ecosystems. Join us at the MIA Awards Ceremony on 15 February 2023 at 10:30h CET

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