Winners of 2025: Product & Service of the year

Wasser 3.0
River cleanup

Product of the year 2025

Wasser 3.0 PE-X®

Company Description. Wasser 3.0 gGmbH. As a non-profit GreenTech company, we are positioned at the interface between science, business, politics, and society. Here, we are breaking new ground to promote responsible research and green inno- vations for water without microplastics and micropollutants. The SDGs are the overall guiding principle of our actions. Wasser 3.0 develops and scales tech- nologies for water without microplastics and micropollutants. With a focus on data-driven technology development, education, and innovation transfer, Wasser 3.0 is where green tech in- novation meets social business.

Product Description. Wasser 3.0 PE-X® is a modular process for the removal of microplastics from water. A mixture of organosilanes (silicone-based chemical mixture with various reactive groups) is dosed into a mixing tank. The organic groups become attached to the surface of microplastic particles present in the water. Through mixing, microplastic particles and their attached organosilanes collect in agglomerates. Subsequently, the water-induced sol-gel process starts fixing the microplastic particles. In <5 minutes, larger agglomerates (medium scale: 1-3 cm) form and float to the water’s surface, where they are removed with a sieve or skimmer. The agglomerated material can be reused as a filler in house buildings or as road construction materials. The mixing tank of the rental model has a capacity of 250 L.

We use a 1000 L reactor (side-stream) and a flow of < 30 L/min for continuous operations at a wastewater treatment plant. The process is containerised and automated and can be run in batch or continuous mode. The dose rate depends on the concentration of microplastics, which is determined using a proprietary method based on fluorescent dyes. Wasser 3.0 gGmbH is developing a sensor for continuous detection of microplastics in wastewater streams and for industrial process control.

Product Differentiation. Unique Selling Point: Standard particle elimination technologies such as mem- brane filtration, hydrocyclone, or sand traps can be applied for microplastic removal. However, these approaches are costly, energy-intensive, and demanding to maintain, and they do not tackle the complexity or build a sustainable process surrounding them. Additionally, microplastic pollution comprises a range of polymers with different properties and surface chemistries, making selecting suitable flocculants challenging. Wasser 3.0 PE-X® is a novel approach based on physical agglomeration and water-induced chemical fixation. It provides fast and strong particle growth and forms stable agglomerates. As organosilane mixtures work with any type of polymer, the process removes up to 95% of the microplastic load at a relatively low cost. A full Life Cycle Assessment for industrial process water treatment is available.

Place, client, and respective year the product was implemented and tested successfully: Manufacturing Industry, Germany, 2023-2024


Services of the year 2025

River Cleanup

Company Description. River Cleanup is a Belgium nonprofit organisation founded in 2019. The idea was born in 2017 when Thomas de Groote was challenged to do a 10-minute cleanup, which changed his life. Our vision: plastic-free rivers. Plastics can be useful, but they do not belong in (y)our food, water, air, and body. River Cleanup is a global network-driven organisation on a mission to clean rivers by empowering people, preventing pollution, and accelerating change. We are a network organisation because we believe in active cooperation. That’s why we are building a global network of action-oriented people working together towards plastic-free rivers. In 2022, we went back to the drawing board with our field experience, the latest scientific insights, and one single question in mind: how do we make rivers plastic-free most effectively and cost-efficiently?

The answer is our Clean River Model. It’s more than a list of ingredients; it’s a recipe for plastic-free rivers. Key achievements in our first five years (2019-2024):

  • 6,000+ events in 100 countries along 450+ rivers,
  • 285,000 people mobilized for a cleanup,
  • 3.5 mln. kg river waste removed from the environment and
  • Innovative holistic Theory of Change developed (Clean River Model).

Service Description. The Clean River Model is an open-source Theory of Change for plastic-free rivers. Its logic follows a simple yet effective strategy: early intervention. We first aim to achieve maximum reduction and substitution of single-use plastics. Plastics that are not produced never become plastic waste. Collecting post-consumer plastic waste is the next best step and prevents leakage and pollution of the environment. Cleaning up plastic leakage on land prevents plastic pollution of rivers and increases the options to reuse these plastics in closed-loop circular economy solutions. Finally, cleaning up plastic pollution from rivers is the only solution to prevent it from further polluting nature and the ocean. That’s how we, step by step, turn off the tap on new plastic pollution and clean up existing plastic pollution most effectively and cost-efficiently.

Service Differentiation. Competitors often focus on a single intervention type (e.g., only cleanup events), are tech-only or are less open to sharing/cooperation at a time when we need more co-creation and cooperation.

Here are five factors that, combined, make the Clean River Model unique:

  1. Designed for maximum impact & scalability: it’s holistic with strategic early interventions in the plastic lifecycle. We prevent new waste and clean up legacy plastic pollution.
  2. Built on science, including Breaking the Plastic Wave, combined with the field experience of removing 3,5 million kg of river (-bound) waste from nature.
  3. River-focused: plastics in the environment often end up in rivers. The Clean River Model is fully aimed at preventing plastic from ending up in rivers by reducing plastic use and pollution on land. Cleaning up plastic pollution in rivers is a crucial last step.
  4. Practical & concrete: the integrated workflow makes it a hands-on Theory of Change. There is no time to waste.
  5. Open-source: by making the Clean River Model and tools publicly available, we aim to empower individuals and organizations globally to have faster impact.

Place, client, and respective year the service was implemented and tested successfully: We are currently developing, implementing, and validating the Clean River Model in three action zones: Indonesia, Belgium, and Cameroon.


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What are the benefits of the MERLIN Innovation Awards?

  • Unique opportunity to pitch your product or service to 18 European freshwater restoration project managers and many other decision makers and stakeholders
  • Chance to be part of the systemic transformative change of our society and economy
  • Recognition within the European freshwater ecosystem community with your product or service featured on the widely read Freshwater Blog
  • Automatic inclusion in the MERLIN Marketplace if your application is accepted for the MERLIN Innovation Awards 2025

When will the MERLIN Innovation Awards 2025 take place?

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The pre-selection of 10 finalists (5 Products and 5 Services) will be conducted in January 2025 on a date to be announced, with the results to be announced to all applicants within 7 working days. The MIA 2025 online ceremony will be conducted February 13, 2025, with the winners of both PRODUCT and SERVICE competitions will be announced at the end of the online ceremony following all presentations based on jury members’ decisions.

What is the selection process of the MERLIN Innovation Awards 2025?

The submitted applications will be evaluated by the MIA 2025 committee, consisting of CONNECTOLOGY representatives and MERLIN coordinators/steering group members. The pre-selection procedure will identify 10 finalists (5 Products and 5 Services) that will participate in an online ceremony during which they will conduct a 3-minute presentation and engage in a 4-minute Q&A session. The jury will be composed of freshwater restoration managers and other relevant freshwater community stakeholders and will evaluate finalists based on the following criteria: level of innovation, benefits for freshwater eco- system and potential impact evaluation of their product or service.