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MERLIN newsletter Feb 2023

#01. MERLIN deliverable D1.2 (Monitoring framework)

A key aspect of freshwater and wetland restoration projects is to monitor and evaluate the broad impacts of restoration actions. This not only includes environmental impacts, such as biodiversity and physical changes to hydrology, but also how restoration measures impact society and the economy.  This is particularly important when implementing Nature-based solutions, which are focused on nature-positive solutions for societal challenges, such as delivering flood and drought resilience or water quality improvements.

The MERLIN Deliverable D1.2 “New framework for monitoring systemic impacts of freshwater and wetland restoration actions” was completed in September 2022. It provides clear guidance on how to monitor the impacts of nature-based restoration measures and describes a substantial set of impact indicators associated with 13 criteria of the European Green Deal. For eight of these criteria, several indicators have been selected as being Essential Restoration Variables for monitoring the impact of nature-based solutions. These include indicators for biodiversity (conservation status), greenhouse gas emissions and water storage capacity, as well as socio-economic indicators such as stakeholder representation, financing measures and creation of green jobs.

The handbook aims to support the scaling-up of nature-based solutions across Europe by providing the evidence to support transformation agendas in society and industries. It also outlines benchmark (cost or effort) and local/regional context data (e.g. land use, governance) that is needed alongside impact monitoring data to not just measure what has happened at a site but to understand why it has happened.

In addition, the handbook provides an introduction into the European Green Deal Goals and an extensive glossary on the topic.


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